protective work shoes, work gloves, work garment, helmets, dust masks, ear muffs/plugs, safety goggles, rain coats/suits and PVC boots. We export hand tools, firefighting equipment, smoke detectors and road safety produc...
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Heilongjiang Safer Co., Ltd. is one of the manufacturers and exporters of protective products. We have been engaged in the business of work wear since 1989.
Our main products are protective work shoes, work gloves, work garment, helmets, dust masks, ear muffs/plugs, safety goggles, rain coats/suits and PVC boots. We export hand tools, firefighting equipment, smoke detectors and road safety products.
We export the above mentioned products to many countries and ...[detailed]
Our main products are protective work shoes, work gloves, work garment, helmets, dust masks, ear muffs/plugs, safety goggles, rain coats/suits and PVC boots. We export hand tools, firefighting equipment, smoke detectors and road safety products.
We export the above mentioned products to many countries and ...[detailed]
- Indirizzo aziendale: Heilongjiang Economic Development Zone No. 149
- Referente: Ming
- Numero di cellulare: 86-13957916955
- Tel .: 86-579-85456002
- E-mail:
- Sito web:
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- Ming (Ms.)
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