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ALbum fotografico di carta con copertina rigida come regaLo $2.60-8.80/ Pieces Contatta il fornitore
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Literature and art photo album Co., Ltd. is a professional enterprise with the integration of R&D, design, production, manufacture, sales and processing service. Mainly produces all kinds of wedding gifts, albums, photo frames, suitcase, and related products.
Literature and art photo album Co., Ltd. has a large number of senior engineers, senior designers and other professional and technical talents, in addition to excellent business management and marketing personnel. It is o...[detailed]
Literature and art photo album Co., Ltd. has a large number of senior engineers, senior designers and other professional and technical talents, in addition to excellent business management and marketing personnel. It is o...[detailed]
- Indirizzo aziendale: No. 599 Pudong Economic Development Zone, Shanghai
- Referente: Hafone
- Numero di cellulare: 86-13957916955
- Tel .: 86-579-85456002
- E-mail:
- Sito web:
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- Hafone (Mr.)
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