cheap colorful fiberglass flower pots
BEIHAI produce many kinds of fiberglass Planter/ Pot,
Our prismaid FRP planter is made from FRP, the advantage"s of our fiberglass flower pots/planters:
1. fiberglass flower pots are both light weight and extremely durable, made from a tough Fiberglass exterior that is 100% waterproof.
2. Non-corrosive & maintenance-free, requiring only soapy water for normal cleaning.
3. easily withstands harsh elements without fear of cracking, splitting or warping.
4. finish provides a long-lasting, protective finish that is resistant to fading, scratching, chipping and even intense UV light, for a new or weathered look that maintains its character day after day.
5. suitable for homes, hotels and gardens. available in different sizes and colors.
sizes available, colors can be specified by you
- Weiming (Mr.)
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