Our fully automatic Swiss Martini binding machine and saddle switcher allow us to provide excellent and fast printing services for clients.
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Weihai Century Color printing Co., Ltd.LTD possesses above 20000 square meters of garden-style
workshop.Our company has imported the most advanced printing equipment,such as German Heidelberg bisect four-color printing machines,HP INDIGO 7800 HP INDIGO 5600 etc advanced
printing machines.Our fully automatic Swiss Martini binding machine and saddle switcher allow us to provide excellent and fast printing services for clients.[detailed]
workshop.Our company has imported the most advanced printing equipment,such as German Heidelberg bisect four-color printing machines,HP INDIGO 7800 HP INDIGO 5600 etc advanced
printing machines.Our fully automatic Swiss Martini binding machine and saddle switcher allow us to provide excellent and fast printing services for clients.[detailed]
- Indirizzo aziendale: Economic Development Zone, Weihai City, Shandong Province, No. 155
- Referente: Ying
- Numero di cellulare: 86-13957916955
- Tel .: 86-579-85456002
- E-mail: haibaoyinshua@adnose.com
- Sito web: https://it.adnose.com/shophaibaoyinshua/
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- Ying (Ms.)
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