an enterprise specializing in digital inkjet printing service, outdoor & indoor banners, advertising banners, wedding banners and other exhibition printing and flag products and equipment.
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Shanghai Feifei Printing Co., Ltd. is an enterprise specializing in digital inkjet printing service, outdoor & indoor banners, advertising banners, wedding banners and other exhibition printing and flag products and equipment. With our banner printing equipment, we can print at a resolution of maximum 1440 dpi, giving you the most beautiful full color banners that are durable and attractive.
With his stable business development, Feifei company owns more than 40 sets of advanced equip...[detailed]
With his stable business development, Feifei company owns more than 40 sets of advanced equip...[detailed]
- Indirizzo aziendale: No. 499 Pudong Economic Development Zone, Shanghai
- Referente: Alisi
- Tel .: 86-579-85456002
- E-mail:
- Sito web:
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