Acrylic Bird Feeder , Acrylic Display , Acrylic Case , Acrylic Photo Frame , Acrylic Awards , Acrylic Fuiniture
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With over 12yrs of experience and love for art, Colorful Cloud bring new and unique designs to the acrylic industry. ''Handmade Fabrication & Manufacture in China, our designs & display, can be seen all over the world from Beauty, Salons, Museums, Shopping Centers, Electronics, furniture.
Our capabilities are very extensive and If you can dream itWe can make it!
Our main products are,
-----Acrylic bird feeder
---- Acrylic Jewelry display
Our capabilities are very extensive and If you can dream itWe can make it!
Our main products are,
-----Acrylic bird feeder
---- Acrylic Jewelry display
- Indirizzo aziendale: No. 92 Aoer Xincun Road, Henggang Street, Longgang District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
- Referente:
- Numero di cellulare: 86-755-89679123
- Tel .: 86-755-89679123
- E-mail:
- Sito web:
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