Big standRoll upBanner printing serviceMini productTentA boardPromotion tableLiterature rackX banner standSnap frames

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presentazione del negozio

It is specialized in developing, producing and selling portable displays and exhibition equipment. We are equipped with advanced numerical-control cutters, shear motors and automatic punchers, and have the support of some professional design personnel who have developed many kinds of portable exhibition equipment. The main products include rolling screens, X-banners, L-banners, poster stands, pocket catalogue shelves, wall picture shelves, pop-up rollers, display screens, stand posters...[detailed]


  • Indirizzo aziendale: Building 13# , Wuai, Yiwu city , Zhejiang, China 322000
  • Referente: Teng
  • Numero di cellulare: 15958929935
  • Tel .: 0579-85456002
  • E-mail:
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