
Non-woven shopping bags material composition

Release time:  2017-05-06 author:  admin browse:  710

Non-woven shopping bags mainly from the paper, copper plate, art paper produced.

Paper / kraft paper paper tough, the color can be divided into: white kraft paper, yellow kraft paper, two-color leather and so on. Paper: paper can be divided into: pure leather and copper version of leather, basically from 80 to 120 pounds of kraft paper, are suitable for the production of all kinds of shopping bags.

Coated paper / coated paper for high-quality color printing, so art shopping bags, often 120 to 150 pounds of coated paper production. As the toughness of coated paper is low, generally to PP film to enhance its toughness.

Art paper / art paper is a vague term, it used to describe the processing of stained paper. Often art paper is more durable than paper, and paper is diverse, and many 100 to 150 pounds of art paper are quite suitable for making shopping bags, but paper costs are higher. Special paper / for example: South Asia synthetic paper, 3M Tai Wei Ke paper, pp imitation kraft paper and so on.